Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Freaks and Geeks Questions

1.  I think Lindsay has a lot of conflict within her right now.  She wants to be friends with the Freaks while still being the same person she is with her family and true friends.  She doesn't know how to balance both sides and so she ends up hurting others for the sake of her trying to fit in.

2.  The major plots are: Sam and his friends going trick-or-treating, Lindsay hanging out with the Freaks instead of her mom, and the parents giving out candies to the trick-or-treaters.  Sam and his friends get beat-up and their candy stolen by bullies, Lindsay goes with the Freaks to cause terror throughout the neighborhood and ends up accidentally egging her brother, the mom and dad at first fail to appease the trick-or-treaters by handing out unwrapped candy (cookies).

3.  Sam and his friends split after being egged by Lindsay and her friends.  She attempts to apologize but it is no use, the damage has already been dealt.  Lindsay comes back home to help her mom finish giving out candy.

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