Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Concept 40 Brainstormers


I feel that one of my close friends, we'll call him Q for privacy, has a lot of potential for his education.  Q has good intentions, but does not have the level of motivation that he needs to reach that potential.  I have been trying to encourage Q in his studies, but I don't think I'm doing enough.  I think a good talk or lecture would set Q straight again, but he's almost there and just a little push could get him in the right direction for a good education.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Concept 39 Brainstormers

I am extremely afraid of heights.  This is most likely due to my inexperience in being in high places or areas.  I would overcome it if I was in a predicament where something or someone was in need of assistance.

In 4th grade, there was a play where everyone had to participate.  I was very nervous, but my parents say just to have fun out there.  When my part came, I had the time of my life out there on the stage.

My hero is afraid of failure.  He is very self conscious about his actions and ponders what he has done in his free time.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Concept 12 Scene

Justin and Kervin

                                                      The Janitor's Dream



ROBERT, the school's janitor, is busying himself with his normal everyday routine.  He stops for a moment to think about his life and how he got here.  In his thoughts, he is thinking:

                                                        ROBERT (V.O.)
                                           What am I even doing here? I
                                           wanted to be an astronaut, not a darn

Robert hears footsteps from behind him, knowing exactly who it is.  Without even turning around, he knows it's MS. KOLLINS, the school's principal coming to ask him to clean something up or to move something somewhere else like she always does.

PAN TO - Ms. Kollins' high heels

                                                       MS. KOLLINS (O.C.)
                                            Robert, I need you to clean up a
                                            huge mess near the cafeteria, could
                                            you do it as soon as possible before
                                            lunch begins?

CUT TO - Robert

                                            Yes, Ms. Kollins.  I'll get right to

AERIAL - Top corner of the room where we can barely see Ms. Kollins' high heels.

                                                        MS. KOLLINS

Ms. Kollins turns around and walks out of the janitor's office, leaving Robert alone to his thoughts.

CU - Robert

Robert sighs and drops his equipment that was he fumbling with.  Sighing even harder, he swipes everything off the shelves.

POV - Robert

He stares at the floor, looking at all of his equipment and belongings he just threw onto the ground.
He bends down and starts to pick them up, placing them back onto the shelves one by one.  He notices an astronaut figurine, picks it up and stares at it for a few seconds.

ANGLE-ON - Shelf-level looking across the shelf

Robert tries to replace everything the way it was, very slowly.  We see him place the astronaut onto the shelf even slower than the rest of the things.

AERIAL - Same corner from before

Robert sighs one last time, grabs his equipment for cleaning up floor messes, turns off the light and closes the door.

                                                                   ROBERT (O.S)
                                                         Well, there's always tomorrow.

Concept 38 Brainstormers

About 8 years ago, I got into a fight with one of my classmates.  He was very much a show-off and pompous about himself.  He thought he was better than everyone else, very different from how I felt in elementary school.  I was the jokester and liked to crack jokes frequently.  One day, he tried to tell me off on how I wasn't funny at all, but in reality I thought he was just jealous.  He said some nasty words and he and I were in a tussle.

Hero traits - Favors justice and fairness, likes women, protects the environment

Villain traits - Self-interest, thinks women are the cause of most problems, very industrial and has no care for any ecosystem.

The temptress or damsel in distress would be a very big conflict, the difference in how they see the environment would create some political debate between them.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Scripts Critique

#1: Runaway

#2: Broken

Concept 37 Brainstormers

Saving Private Ryan
Time Traveler's Wife

Sense of emotion after becoming emotionally attached to the character(s).  Some twists right before the ending to make it a roller-coaster ride.

My cousins and I switched the wasabi at a sushi place with guacamole and dared one of the older cousins to eat the whole wasabi (guacamole).  He spat it out and ran to the bathroom.  I don't know how this kind of trick would apply to an audience, unless on a talk show or if I was a chef serving an audience.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Concept 36 Brainstormer

#3: My main character's conflict is that he does not know what happened the previous day/night.

Easy ways to solve the problem instantly:
1. Remember it.
2. Find someone who does.
3. Not worry about it.

Obstacles to block the easy ways:
1. Can't remember it.
2. No one remembers.
3. Something will occur that happened the night/day before and be required that the main character has to recount what had happened.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Concept 35 Brainstormers

1 -Dave
2 - Harry Potter
3 - Star Wars
4 - Robin Hood
5 - Joan of Arc
6 - Braveheart

Braveheart, I would do almost anything, especially for freedom or country.  Braveheart is a very passionate and aggressive protagonist, and would do almost anything for his people because he sees himself as a sort of leader and martyr.

The last time I took a risk in order to gain something, it was when I was still a kid.  There was a sort of tournament at our elementary school for some kind of prize (I can't remember) and I wanted it for my mom (pretty sure).  The participants had to do an assortment of things that were both challenging and fun at the same time.  It took a lot of energy (I was chubby when I was younger) and I didn't win in the end. My parents were happy for me regardless for even trying, so it wasn't all for not.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Quick-write 12/6

Multiple Perspectives:

Vantage Point

The perspective is from multiple people at an event and no one knows what is really going on and so each person sees different things than the last perspective.  

Monday, December 5, 2011

Concept 34 Brainstormer

Question #2:

The villain's power would be to read the hero's mind.  The hero would steal Magneto's helmet and proceed to beat the living snot out of the villain.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Structure

I think the nonlinear structure of 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' was very interesting.  Joel was in his mind about 75% of the time of the film.  It added a lot to the story and theme, but for the most part it only added to the characters near the ending.  I liked the story the way it was told, a twist on the normal get-back-together structure.  'Eternal Sunshine' was very different from the other nonlinear films we watched, since the story was mostly told all in the mind of a single person.

Concept 32 and 32 Brainstormers

Concept 32
#1: Can't name a movie, but directors usually add in a side character that people would care about and the main character would have to make a decision pertaining to that particular side character

#2: Can't name a movie, but you would frequently see in the background or cameos of the bigger story that encompasses a larger spectrum than what we see currently.

#3: Add in extreme disaster shots for added effect.

Concept 33

#1: Yes, random acts of kindness by strangers towards me have sometimes had a ripple effect on me.  There are times when I go out in which something will happen to me and complete strangers would come help me.  Later that day usually, I would see something happen similar to me and I would help that person.